Major Projects


1980 - 2010

This is a large collection of pictures I made with my daughter, Daisy over many years.

I became fascinated with photographing her as I emerged as a photographic artist. She and I did it together and it was something I greatly enjoyed.

It started when she was a year old and I was just beginning to then use my little black and white camera to document events, more or less as a diary. I was finally beginning to learn about the technical side of photography, which I’d always loved, but had been intimidated by the science.

I had always been an artist, but mostly used painting and drawing, having initially studied Fine Art in the USA. After having children I was desperate to complete my education and finished with a degree in Visual Communication at Bath Academy of Art in Wiltshire. I learned about photography there as well as typography and printmaking.

I continued to make pictures of Daisy over many years and included her in every project I could. My son, Jesse, declared that making pictures together was boring early on and therefore I made far less which included him.

The project, which was never a formal one, just kept evolving. She was very good natured and patient and rarely refused.

The Independent on Saturday Magazine, published an article in 2002, which covers these photographs and our time together.

When she left home the arrangement, by then mostly for commercial work, had to be more formal. The project more or less finished after Billy, her first child was born and she was very busy and lived out of town. I still photograph her and her children often, but the pictures are not made in the same manner.